About Us

Who we are

A key question was posed to us by our team: How can we have a greater impact in assisting people who have been turned down by lenders? We gave much thought to the problem, and the idea for Lending Hospital — a website real estate agents can visit when they’ve exhausted all other options — emerged. We’re overjoyed to be able to help worthy people out.

Increasing the number of people who can afford to buy their own homes is our top priority. We developed a system called Lending Hospital to improve interaction with the real estate industry. We are a collaborative group of loan officers, managers, underwriters, and other financial experts from across the industry (we do not all work at the same company) who are dedicated to providing our customers with the second chance they deserve.

If you’ve ever been turned down for a loan, you know the feeling we’re talking about. It’s easy to feel helpless and alone in the face of what seems like an insurmountable challenge. However, we intend to change that for the better.

Motivating us is knowing that we’re making a difference in the lives of people who other lenders had written off. We are committed to providing people of all backgrounds with the opportunity to become homeowners.

Through open dialogue and teamwork, we have honed our abilities and expanded our knowledge, allowing us to devise original approaches to difficult lending problems. We are proud of the personal connections we make with our customers and the trust, respect, and empathy that we foster with them

Our mission

We understand the frustration and disappointment that comes with being turned away by lending institutions when trying to help your clients purchase their dream home. We know that it can be a difficult and emotional experience for both you and your clients.

Our mission is to be a beacon of hope and support for real estate agents and their clients who have been declined. We are dedicated to helping these individuals find solutions to the financing they need to make their dream of homeownership a reality.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to own a home, and we’re committed to working tirelessly to help those who have been turned away by other lenders. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the complex world of financing and help clients find the solutions that work best for their unique situations.

We strive to provide a personalized and empathetic experience for every client, understanding that each situation is different and requires a customized approach. We believe that by working together with real estate agents, we can help more clients overcome the hurdle of declined loans and achieve their homeownership dreams.

Consulting with our team

  • Christopher Watkins (CEO and Founder)
  • Paul St. Marie (Guidelines Director)